maternity pictures

Camera Angles and Backdrop Ideas for Best Maternity Pictures in Los Angeles

Camera Angles and Backdrop Ideas for Best Maternity Pictures in Los Angeles

Whether you’re an expectant mom dreaming up your perfect maternity photoshoot in Los Angeles, a loving partner looking to schedule a surprise photo shoot, or just someone who adores the art of photography, this guide is here to inspire you and I can’t help but feel excited as I dive into the nuances of creating stunning pregnancy photos! 

From choosing the perfect backdrop that reflects the essence of this beautiful journey to mastering the lighting and composition that make every photo shine, I’d like to take you on a behind-the-lens tour of maternity photography.

As we explore together, I’ll share the wisdom I’ve collected, the wonderful moments I’ve witnessed, and the challenges I’ve embraced along the way. Whether you’re curating your maternity photo gallery, seeking inspiration on Pinterest, or planning to share your journey on Instagram, this article aims to be a comprehensive guide that you’ll be glad to have by your side. 

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Understanding Maternity Photography Portraits

The Essence of Maternity Shoots


Capturing the essence of maternity is like holding a moment in time, preserving the incredible journey of pregnancy in a way that celebrates the beauty, strength, and transformation it brings. It’s not just about photographing a growing belly, it’s about capturing the glow of anticipation, the excitement of expecting a little one, and the love that already surrounds this new life. Maternity photography is a unique genre that focuses on expectant mothers in their most beautiful and transformative state, offering a way to cherish these special moments forever.

Pregnancy is a time of overwhelming emotions, from joy and anticipation to the quiet moments of reflection about the journey ahead. As a maternity photographer—or even as moms-to-be embarking on a DIY photoshoot—understanding the emotional depth and physical changes of pregnancy is crucial. Each maternity session is an opportunity to tell a story, a brief chapter in the family’s life that is both intimate and profound. The goal is to create timeless images that capture the essence of this fleeting time: the curves, the anticipation, the hope, and the love that is already so palpable.

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The Role of Camera Angles and Backdrops


The choice of camera angles and backdrops plays a pivotal role in maternity photography, significantly impacting the mood, theme, and overall aesthetic of the photos. The right angle can accentuate the beautiful curves of pregnancy, highlight the emotional state of the expectant mother, or convey a sense of strength and grace. For instance, a high-angle shot can make the mom-to-be appear more vulnerable and tender, emphasizing the protective nature of motherhood. On the other hand, a low-angle view can portray power and resilience, celebrating the strength it takes to bring a new life into the world.

Backdrops, whether in a studio setting or a natural outdoor environment, set the stage for these stories. They can add depth, context, and texture to the maternity photo, enhancing the emotional resonance of the image. A simple, elegant studio backdrop focuses attention on the mother and her bump, creating a timeless portrait. Meanwhile, natural settings like a serene beach, a lush garden, or even the cozy corners of the home offer a more contextual and personal touch, connecting the pregnancy journey to the world in which the little one will enter.

See 15 Creative Tips to Make Your Maternity Photos more Cinematic.

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When selecting backdrops, it’s essential to consider what feels true to the spirit of the expectant mother and her family. Some may prefer the intimate setting of their home, filled with personal memories and a sense of comfort. 

Others might be drawn to the grandeur of nature, with its symbolic representations of life, growth, and renewal. Whatever the choice, the backdrop should complement and enhance the subject, not overwhelm or detract from the focus of the session: celebrating the miracle of pregnancy.

See my ultimate guide to maternity photography in Los Angeles here.

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Mastering Camera Angles for Maternity Photos

High Angle Shots


There’s something incredibly tender and protective about high angle shots in maternity photography. These shots are taken from a higher vantage point looking down on the mom-to-be, creating a feeling of envelopment and care around her and the baby bump.

It’s as if we’re getting a glimpse into the nurturing world that awaits the newborn. To capture this vibe, position yourself slightly above the subject while ensuring the angle remains flattering and focuses on the connection with the bump. Camera settings should aim for a shallow depth of field to keep the mother and her belly in sharp focus while softly blurring the background, making the moment feel even more intimate.

Low Angle Views


Conversely, low angle views serve to empower the expectant mother, showcasing her strength and the majestic aspect of pregnancy. These shots are taken from below eye level, looking up at the subject, which can make the mom-to-be appear larger and more formidable—an embodiment of the powerful act of creation she’s undertaking. Safety and comfort are paramount, so always ensure the mother feels stable and consider using props for support if needed. Use a wider aperture to capture the vastness of the environment around her, symbolizing the world into which she’s bringing new life.

I put a together a beginner’s guide to mastering a maternity photoshoot in studio that covers equipment, settings and techniques, see it here

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Straight-On Shots


Straight-on shots are all about capturing the bond and intimacy between the mother and her unborn child. This angle is direct and personal, allowing the subject’s expressions and emotions to take center stage. Engage with the mom-to-be during the shoot to elicit natural, genuine expressions. Talk about her hopes, her dreams for her little one, or simply what she loves most about being pregnant. These conversations not only relax the subject but also bring out those unguarded moments that make for the most heartfelt photos. Remember, the goal is to capture the essence of this unique time in her life, so keep the framing simple and let her story shine through.

The Close-Up


The beauty of pregnancy isn’t just in the overall silhouette but also in the details—the curve of the bump, the intertwining of hands over the belly, and the serene or joyful expressions on the mom’s face. Close-up shots allow us to celebrate these details, creating a more intimate portrayal of maternity. Soft lighting is your best friend here, whether it’s the natural light from a nearby window or a softbox in the studio. It highlights textures and shapes beautifully without casting harsh shadows. Focus closely on the hands, the curve of the belly, or even a side profile of the expectant mother’s face, using a lower aperture to blur out distractions and keep the attention on the subject.

See advanced techniques for mastering maternity photography here

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Incorporating Movement


Maternity photography doesn’t always have to be static. Incorporating movement can add a dynamic, spirited element to your maternity session, capturing the joy and excitement of expecting. Encourage the mom-to-be to sway, twirl a fabric prop, or even walk towards the camera. 

These actions can evoke a sense of freedom and happiness, adding a lively dimension to the shoot. Utilize a slower shutter speed to blur the movement slightly, giving the photo a feeling of motion while keeping the subject relatively sharp. Burst mode can also be handy to catch the perfect moment where everything aligns—the expression, the movement, and the light.

Each of these camera angles and techniques offers a unique perspective on the miraculous journey of pregnancy. By experimenting with them and understanding their impact, you can create a diverse and beautiful gallery of maternity photos that the family will cherish forever.

Remember, the most important thing is to connect with the mom-to-be, making her feel comfortable and celebrated. The best maternity photos are those that reflect the genuine emotion and beauty of this special time.

Also see what to wear for a maternity photoshoot.

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Choosing the Perfect Backdrops

Natural Settings


When it comes to maternity photography, the allure of natural settings is undeniable. Parks, beaches, and gardens offer not just beautiful scenery but also a connection to the cycle of life and growth, echoing the journey of pregnancy. However, timing is everything in these locations. The golden hour—just after sunrise or before sunset—casts the most flattering, ethereal light, making it the ideal time for capturing stunning maternity photos. The soft, warm hues compliment the natural beauty of pregnancy, creating a serene and timeless backdrop. Additionally, consider the season, as each brings its own unique color palette and mood to the session, from the fresh blooms of spring to the rich, golden tones of autumn.

See the best Los Angeles photo shoot locations for maternity photography as well as my article on creative maternity photoshoot ideas for every season.

At Home Comfort


There’s something incredibly special about capturing the expectant mother in the comfort of her own home. These in-home sessions offer a level of intimacy and personalization that can’t be replicated in a studio or outdoor setting. Utilize the natural light pouring in from windows to create soft, luminous portraits. Each room in the house, from the nursery-in-progress to the cozy living room, tells a part of the family’s story, adding depth and emotion to the photos. Encourage the mom-to-be to interact with her surroundings, whether it’s curling up with a book in the nursery or sharing a quiet moment with her partner in the kitchen, to capture the genuine anticipation and love awaiting the new arrival.

See 14 creative maternity photoshoot ideas to try at home

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Studio Setups


Studio setups provide a blank canvas to create whatever mood or theme you envision for the maternity shoot. With controlled lighting and an array of backdrops and props at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. 

To achieve a flattering, soft look, use diffused lighting setups that mimic natural light, avoiding harsh shadows and highlights. Experiment with different color schemes in your backdrops and props to match the mood you’re aiming for—soft pastels for a gentle, nurturing feel or bold colors for a more dramatic effect. The key in studio photography is balance; the backdrop and props should complement the subject without overwhelming the scene.

See benefits of a studio maternity photoshoot and 11 steps to prepare for your in studio pregnancy photoshoot.

Themed and Conceptual Backdrops


Designing a maternity shoot around a specific theme or concept can turn a simple photo session into an unforgettable storytelling experience. This approach allows for creativity and personalization, making each maternity shoot unique. For example, a “bohemian chic” theme might feature flowy gowns, flower crowns, and a backdrop of hanging macramé and greenery, capturing a free-spirited, earthy vibe. Alternatively, a “vintage glamour” theme could involve elegant dresses, classic furniture props, and a backdrop that mimics the grandeur of a bygone era, adding a touch of sophistication and timeless beauty to the maternity photos.

For those who love literature or movies, consider creating a scene from a favorite story or film, using props and costumes to bring the theme to life. Imagine a “storybook” theme where the expectant mother is dressed as a character from a beloved fairy tale, surrounded by whimsical props that evoke the magical world of the story. Or, for a more personalized touch, design a shoot that reflects the couple’s journey to parenthood, incorporating elements that are meaningful to them, such as souvenirs from their travels or hobbies they love.

See 34 creative maternity photo shoot ideas here.

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Lighting and Composition Tips

Utilizing Natural Light


There’s something magical about the golden hour—that time just after sunrise or before sunset when the world is bathed in a soft, warm glow. This light is like nature’s filter, making everything (and everyone) look their best. It’s especially flattering for maternity photos, as it gently highlights the curves and shapes of pregnancy, creating a dreamy, ethereal atmosphere. 

But, what if you’re shooting at a time when the sunlight is harsh and unforgiving? Positioning your subject in a shaded area or using a diffuser (like a sheer fabric) to soften the direct sunlight can work wonders, preventing harsh shadows and ensuring the natural beauty of the moment shines through during your pregnancy photoshoot.

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Artificial Lighting Techniques


When natural light isn’t an option, studio lights and reflectors come to the rescue, allowing you to craft the lighting environment from scratch. The key here is to mimic the softness and directionality of natural light. Use a main light to illuminate the subject and fill lights or reflectors to soften any shadows, creating a balanced, flattering look. It’s all about the interplay of light and shadow to sculpt the subject’s features gently. And if you’re feeling adventurous, combining artificial light with a bit of natural light from a window can create dynamic, interesting effects—just be mindful of balancing the color temperatures to keep the scene looking natural.

Composition Basics


The composition of a photo is like the frame of a painting; it guides the viewer’s eye and tells them where to look. In maternity photography, the rule of thirds is a fantastic starting point. Imagine your image is divided into nine equal segments by two vertical and two horizontal lines. Placing the subject along these lines or at their intersections creates a more engaging, balanced photo than if they were smack in the middle. 

But rules are made to be broken, right? Playing with symmetry—especially in reflections or with architectural elements—can create stunning, powerful images that celebrate the beauty of pregnancy in a bold way. And don’t forget about patterns, whether it’s the natural lines of a beach coastline or the intricate designs of a lace gown, patterns can add depth and interest to your maternity photos, making them truly stand out.

See my full guide on mastering reflections, perspective and dynamic symmetry during for pregnancy photography

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Personal Touches and Creativity


Bringing personal items into your maternity shoot adds layers of meaning and storytelling to your photos that nothing else can match. Imagine a pair of tiny baby shoes placed gently next to the baby bump, symbolizing the anticipation and love already felt for the little one. Ultrasound images held in the hands of the expectant parents create a powerful visual connection between the present moment and the future. Family heirlooms are also great maternity photography props, like a grandmother’s quilt or a piece of jewelry passed down through generations, link the new life to its roots and heritage. These objects tell a story beyond the visual, adding emotional depth and personal significance to your maternity photos. It’s like each item whispers a part of the family’s history, hopes, and dreams into the image.

See how to choose the best maternity photographer for your session here.

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Creative Poses and Expressions


The best maternity photos capture the genuine essence and emotions of the expectant mother and her family. Encouraging natural poses and interactions can lead to those candid moments that are so precious in photography. Instead of rigid, posed shots, think about creating scenarios that allow for natural movement and expressions.

A gentle stroll through a park, sharing a laugh over an inside joke, or simply resting a hand on the bump with a look of wonder can result in photos that feel alive with emotion and love. The aim is to capture the authentic moments of joy, anticipation, and the unique bond that is forming, even before the baby has arrived. Genuine smiles, the softness of a loving glance, and the laughter shared between partners make for the most memorable and touching maternity photos.

See my complete guide on posing for maternity photos here.

Editing for Aesthetic Appeal


Once you’ve captured those beautiful moments, a little editing can help to enhance the mood and aesthetic appeal of your maternity photos. Basic post-processing techniques, like adjusting exposure, contrast, and sharpness, can make your images pop while still maintaining a natural look. Color grading and applying filters can further enhance the atmosphere of your photos, whether you’re going for a warm, sun-kissed glow or a soft, pastel dreaminess. 

Incorporating personal touches, fostering creativity in poses and expressions, and tastefully editing your images are all ways to infuse your maternity photography with personality, emotion, and beauty. These elements help to create not just photos, but memories and stories that capture the essence of this incredible journey into motherhood.

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For those looking to dive deeper into maternity photography, several resources can help you refine your craft. Recommended gear often includes a good DSLR or mirrorless camera, a 50mm or 85mm lens for beautiful portrait shots, and a reflector to help manage lighting. Editing software like Photoshop is also invaluable for post-processing, allowing you to tweak your photos to perfection.

Further reading can be found in my photography blog and on websites dedicated to maternity photography. Additionally, attending workshops or webinars can be incredibly beneficial. They offer hands-on learning experiences and insights from seasoned professionals, helping you to hone your skills and expand your photographic style.

Remember, the journey into maternity photography is one of constant learning and creativity. Each shoot is an opportunity to explore new ideas, face and overcome challenges, and, most importantly, to capture the beauty and emotion of this special time in a family’s life. Whether you’re just starting or looking to deepen your expertise, embracing these resources and tips can help you to create beautiful, meaningful maternity photos that families will treasure for years to come.

See 8 tips from a maternity photographer in Los Angeles.

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Oxana Alex Photography


At Oxana Alex Photography, we are open for booking in studio maternity photography sessions. Designer wardrobe and accessories for your session are free or charge. Our studio is located at 2100 Sawtelle Blvd UNIT 307 Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA. You can see our photoshoot pricing here & our photography reviews here.

What Makes a Maternity Photoshoot Special?


Every pregnancy is a unique journey. No two stories are the same, and that’s what makes each maternity photo shoot so incredibly special. Whether it’s a serene pose by the window, draped in the soft morning light, or a bold silhouette showing the pregnant form against a sunset, each shot is tailored to reflect the individuality of the mom-to-be. The choice of fabric, the color of the dress, the location — every detail is carefully considered to complement and enhance the radiant beauty of pregnancy.

And let’s talk about the importance of capturing this moment before it’s gone. 

Pregnancy may feel like it lasts forever, but in reality, it goes by quickly! The opportunity to document this stage, to capture the excitement and wonder of expecting your baby, is someting you’ll want to look back on. From personal experience and the countless stories shared with me, not having these memories captured is a common regret among parents. A maternity photoshoot is a chance to pause, to celebrate and to acknowledge the incredible journey you’re on.

Every time I meet with expectant parents, I’m reminded of the magic of this time. It’s not just about providing them with photos, it’s about giving them a piece of their history to hold onto. And that’s why, as someone deeply involved in this beautiful art form, I believe in the power of maternity photography to touch lives, to freeze time, and to celebrate the miracle of new life.

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I hope you feel equipped, inspired, and ready to create or commission maternity photos that truly resonate. From the initial planning stages, where you explore Pinterest for ideas or seek out the perfect maternity photographer, to the moment you review your maternity photo gallery, filled with images that encapsulate this incredible chapter of your life, remember that each photo tells a story.

It’s been my absolute pleasure to share these insights with you, and I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in the work we do to deliver amazing photos that celebrate the beauty of motherhood.

Whether you’re a mom-to-be, a newborn photographer, or someone passionate about photography, remember that the journey of capturing maternity is as beautiful and unique as the subject itself. Work closely with your photographer, communicate your vision, and don’t be afraid to incorporate personal touches that make your maternity photoshoot uniquely yours.

How do I schedule my session?

You can schedule your session by emailing [email protected] or by texting our studio at (310) 854-9695.



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2100 Sawtelle Blvd UNIT 307
Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA


(310) 854-9695

Oxana Alex Photography is a fine art and maternity photography studio located in Los Angeles CA. Serving LA and surrounding cities including Agoura Hills, Alhambra, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Brentwood, Calabasas, Culver City, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Marina Del Rey, Pasadena, Pacific Palisades, Van Nuys, West Hollywood, Woodland Hills, Rancho Palos Verdes, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Simi Valley, Studio City, Thousand Oaks, Woodland Hills, Orange County, Long Beach and other surrounding areas in Southern California.

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